Individual Coaching
Get started and move forward. 1-1 coaching sessions to help you get started, check in, renew, or transition.
Team Training
Motivational engagements that are customized to your organization’s outcomes and aligned to your mission on topics related to leadership, teams, and effectively working together.
Leadership Challenge Solution Sessions
One-time, 90-minute 1-1 session to solve your most pressing challenges. Topics include: Goal Setting, Mission Statement Refresh, Team Alignment, Communications Review, Presentation Outline & Delivery, and Stakeholder Management
Open Workshops
Learning sessions open to the pubic. Expertly designed and facilitated adult learning experiences for individual and leadership development.
Leadership Communication Workshop
In Person Sessions are coming in October to the Seattle area & Spokane, WA!
Discover a method to enhance your leadership immediately and consistently improve your communication as a leader. Best suited for current leaders, of all kinds and levels, as well as soon to be leaders.
Workshop Includes:
In-person session to learn and put into practice communication method.
Workshop development of a personal leader communication plan. Actionable plan to put to use right away!
Expert advice and guidance.
Workshops will be located in greater Seattle area and Spokane, WA. Location available at registration.
Introductory Price! $495
Leadership Challenge Solutions
1-1 Sessions
Need a confidential, expert advisor on a specific issue? We could be a match. These are 90-minute, one and done, sessions to create actionable insight that you can immediately apply. This offering is priced at $795.00 per session.
Topics Include:
Get it done: Goal Setting; Managing Up; Team Alignment; One Item Improvement Plan (requires pre-meet)
Foundations: Mission Statement Refresh; Stakeholder Management; Onboarding New Leaders; Strategy Brainstorm
Communications: Messaging Review; Leadership Talking Points; Presentation Outline & Delivery Tips
1:1 Program: Knowing Me
What motivates you? How is what motivates you impacting your life? Take the iEQ9 Enneagram and find out! For a limited time, this offering is priced at $595.00.
Program Includes:
Three sessions with a certified coach to debrief your report, make sure the assessed type fits you, and you understand what enneagram offers you for self and leadership development.
Professional report, 42-pages of insights into your enneagram type with specific tips and ideas for your development. Includes insights for your Type on giving feedback (and getting it), working on a team, and working through conflict.
Developmental plan with tangible steps for your continued development.